Debbie Hefke, who made the fan art for some my main characters, also made this cool art of X.O. Seal, Violet, Carson, and Reba standing on a jigsaw floor.

My friend, Linda Medley, the creator of the popular graphic novel series, Castle Waiting, just sent me a birthday card she made. It's Carson and Reba and the cute little pluses and minuses wishing me a happy birthday, rebus style. Thank you so much, Linda. :) It's really pretty. :)

Linda also recently made this second fanart, thanking me. That poor green pencil is going to feel Reba's wrath for coloring her precious hair green and not orange.

My friend, CJ Signorino, who's a very talented artist, just drew and e-mailed me the main characters of Rebusquest. He got my designs just perfect.

My friend, Christian Groff, just made this SIMS version of Rebusquest. They look so lifelike.

I just visited a Lite Brite website and made this Lite Brite artwork of Carson and Reba. Along with X.O. Seal in the middle. And Skelroy and Bonus.

My friend and talented artist, Debbie Hefke, made and colored these drawings of Carson, Reba, X.O. Seal, Violet, Skelroy and Bonus. They are all so beautiful.

My friend, Stephen Di Padova, drew this neat picture of X.O. Seal and the vigilante hating Inspector Eastway.

Stephen also drew these cool desgins of Carson and Reba.